
Our leather interiors are all made from the highest quality leather and are manufactured with the greatest attention to detail, and to your exact specifications.
    We particularly targets the top-end of the car market and produces materials for the most prestigious limousines and sports models. our leather interiors are specifically manufactured to your car’s year, make, and model.
    4DRIVE leather interior packages are not your average slip-on style seat covers, but rather they are designed to replace your factory seat covers completely.
    Whether you are looking to refurbish your classic car interior, or you don't like the colour choices provided by your cars manufacturer, 4drive can provide your custom car interior, with guaranteed quality and service.
    With different patterns and a variety of colors to choise from, we can easily satisfy any and all of your leather interior needs.
    A luxury leather interior makes driving a pleasure, and with a choice of hundreds of colour combinations you can have a truly unique custom car interior.

Całkowita odbudowa wnętrza - połączenie renowacji i obszycia skórą oldtimer, nowe dywany, nowa podsufitka, odnowione drewna, poprawione rozwiązania oryginalnych uszczelek drzwiowych i okiennych, wygłuszenie wnętrza:) oraz wiele innych drobnych poprawek po fabryce...

Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - tapicer samochodowy Warszawa custom interior 4DRIVE
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - tapicer samochodowy Warszawa 4DRIVE custom interior
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - tapicer samochodowy 4DRIVE Warszawa custom interior
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - custom interior tapicer samochodowy Warszawa 4DRIVE
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - custom interior tapicer samochodowy 4DRIVE Warszawa
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - custom interior 4DRIVE tapicer samochodowy Warszawa
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - custom interior 4DRIVE Warszawa tapicer samochodowy
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - 4DRIVE tapicer samochodowy Warszawa custom interior
Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud 1962 - 4DRIVE custom interior tapicer samochodowy Warszawa